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 [Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi

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[Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Empty
PostSubject: [Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi   [Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Icon_minitimeThu May 11, 2017 4:27 am

.: General Information :.

[Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Takeyama

.: Real Name :.
Katashi Takeyama

.: Alias's :.
Reed, Stripes, Kusoge

.: Birthday :.
10th February

.: Age :.

.: Eye color :.

.: Hair colour :.

.: Height :.
5 ' 10 "

.: Weight :.
140 lbs

.: Blood Type :.

.: Likes :.
Untouched nature, Plantwork, Training, Study

.: Dislikes :.
Unawareness, Malice, Arrogance

.: Family :.

.: Sexual Orientation :.
Stick in a mud

.: Marital Status :.

.: Tattoos :.
Tiger stripe pattern on the back and limbs

.: Friends / Foes :.
Rated on a -10 to +10 Scale
-10 Being Hate, +10 Being Love

Friends 10 - 6
Toragan 8 - My grumpy Nintora sempai. He needs to relax a bit.
Yumiko Miya 7 - Back in my life and as ready to challange the world in unison as ever.
Hananki 6 - Considering what we went trough, a friend and a companion. I wish I could help her self doubts though.

Aquaintance 5 - 1

Noboru Uchiha 4 - Nice guy
Akirah Inuzuka 2 - Dog beastmistress, also not a bad cook. Bit lacking in social graces, but not in a bad way.
Eladar 2 - Always polite.
Nao Senju 2 - Little cousin... seems alright if bit daft
Hitori 2 - Another beast host, but at least he seems relatively controlled. Also seems to be relatively polite. We did some exchange.
Kiki Inuzuka 1 - Curious little beastmaster. I want to see where will her path lead her.
Akira Noteki 1 - Musician, bit secretive.. but not too bad
Masami Hyuuga 1 She has it rough. But I think she is to blame for some of it. Too fiery temper.
Yuki Uchiha 1 - Bit out of her depth, as too keen eyed, but not understanding the world yet. But might not be beyond saving.
Kamiko 1 Rather positive girl from Tea country. We did some trade.

Neutral 0
Asami Ayatsumi 0 - Botanist. I dont know. She seems bit out of it.
Chikako 0 - I do not trust her. But she seems feisty.
Hasugami Hisui 0 - Seems bit too confident and arrogant for my taste. Must be hiding something.
Kenji Nara 0 - This fellow is as dry and as boring as a desiccated leaf.
Hinako 0 - Helped save her clansmen.. but not sure about her.
Shun Nagami 0 - Kiri medical, seemed alright. Bit too open with life story.

Unfriendly -1 - -5
Yamarou Kagutsuchi -2 Unlikable guy from Demon country.
Hei "Stitches" -2 - This little prick needs to learn humility and proper manners.
Kurai -3 Dead.

Enemies -6 - -10
Saika Arata -6 - An idiot.

.: Theme Song :.

[Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi 010cc0fd8b132bbc14dc4266371baf6d

Last edited by Bjornoid on Sat Jun 17, 2017 5:28 am; edited 28 times in total
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[Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi   [Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Icon_minitimeThu May 11, 2017 5:21 am

.: Bingo Book Information :.

[Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Takeyama_zpsfctwkspk

.: Village :.

.: Rank :.
Hunter Ninja Initiate

.: Element(s) :.
Suiton Doton Taketon Fuuinjutsu

.: Attack Style :.
Ninjutsu, Stealth, Seals

.: Toolbag :.
Explosive tag x2
Smoke bomb x3
Shuriken x2
Kunai x2
Senbon X10
Ninja Wire
Fishing line and hook
Assorted scrolls
Gourd of amazake
Notepad and pencil

.: Squad :.
Squad Seven

.: Sensei :.

.: Goals :.
-Master all aspects of Takeyama
-Create or learn hundred techniques
-Create or learn thousand techniques
-Cement the Kusa-Konoha alliance
-Cement the Kusa-Suna alliance
-Get promoted
-Get promoted again
-Obtain home

.: Life Goals :.
-Sneak into Kage's office and get away with it
-Find the best possible food serving place in the world
-Build a shrine all on his own
-Enjoy calm and fun life

.: Nindo :.
"Where tiger prowls, even dragon keeps away."

.: Missions :.
E: 2
D: /
C: /
B: 2
A: 1
S: /

Last edited by Bjornoid on Sat Jun 17, 2017 3:17 am; edited 19 times in total
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[Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi   [Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Icon_minitimeThu May 11, 2017 6:50 pm

.:Takeyama Clan:.

[Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Takeyama_zpspqimkr4o

Originally hailing from the land of Grass and Kusagakure no Sato, the Takeyama clan has spread like grass across the outlying nations. Originally peaceful Senju farmers, through-out the ages the Takeyama have forsaken their ancestry and turned to a more specialized lifestyle.
Their traditions root in gaining a stable footing, and their creed dictates that they do this with great honour and discipline, no matter the task. They maintain a mythical relationship with the Tiger Spirit and a secretive tribe of Ninja Tigers, teaching one another and forming bonds beyond mundane friendship, into the realm of spiritual companionship, and at higher ranks, unity.

[Advanced Chakra Nature: Taketon (Bamboo Element)]
Owing to their Senju ancestry, the Takeyama create their environment's primary resource, Bamboo instead of the hardwood of the north generated by their distant relatives.
Special Passive) Gains Suiton and Doton, creates Taketon. 2x E/D/C/B-Rank, 1x A/S-Rank Taketon Jutsu
ACN Passive) +2 to Taketon Jutsu Rolls

[Tiger Stalking in the Bamboo Forest]
(5 AP)
Their specialist nature makes the Takeyama a fearsome foe. They know and care little about the tools of other shinobi as they have developed their own, deadly arts using what nature has to offer to their advantage. This makes them increasingly more able at their own art while neglecting practices they deem "dishonourable".

Academy: +1 Taketon Jutsu Rolls, +1 DMG for 1 Round on Taketon Jutsu/Hit
Genin: +2 Taketon Jutsu Rolls, +1 DMG for 1d4 Rounds on Taketon Jutsu/Hit
Chunin: +3 Taketon Jutsu Rolls, +2 DMG for 1d4 Rounds on Taketon Jutsu/Hit  
Jonin: +4 Taketon Jutsu Rolls, +1d4 DMG for 1d4 Rounds on Taketon Jutsu/Hit

[Tiger's Guile]
(4 AP)
A hunter by nature, the Takeyama are known to remain nearly undetectable while finding their prey at increased efficiency by mere eyesight that is the tiger's own.
Academy: +4 Perception, Tracking and Concealment
Genin: +8 Perception, Tracking and Concealment
Chunin: +12 Perception, Tracking and Concealment
Jonin: +16 Perception, Tracking and Concealment

[Companion - Torugan]
(5 AP)
The spiritual bond of tiger and beastmaster is comparable to Konohagakure's inuzuka. However, while the Inuzuka dogs are fiercely loyal and accompany their human shinobi friends from an early age, the ninja tigers of Kusagakure only follow and aid the worthy. Unlike the Keikai felines, whom are given their feline on birth, The tigers that the beast masters gain are done through strength and by gaining the trust of the tiger. The beastmaster must prove themselves to the tiger before they will join them.
RP: Must hunt down, defeat and tame the tiger. - Managed
Passive) Increase Pet Strength by 1
Academy Student) Rank 2 Pet Level, +5 Pet HP.
Genin) Rank 3 Pet Level, +10 Pet HP.
Chuunin) Rank 4 Pet Level, +15 Pet HP.
Jounin) Rank 5 Pet Level, +20 Pet HP.

[Scroll study]
(2 AP)
Trying to find convenient way to pack things away and outfit their trackers to best of their ability, Takeyama started practicing the art of seals, turning to their relatives who chose monastic life for guidance. Most of their applications are either used for storage, or for countering the horrors of the world by short strips with sealing phrase.

Grants Fuujinjutsu acess

Last edited by Bjornoid on Tue May 23, 2017 1:27 am; edited 9 times in total
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Join date : 2017-05-11

[Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi   [Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Icon_minitimeThu May 11, 2017 8:19 pm


[Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Tiger_style_by_duzit



.: E - RANK :.

Name: Light Strike
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: E
CP: 1
RP: The user would coat their body part with a minuscule amount of chakra. As they launch towards their opponent, they would attempt to hit them with whatever body part they chose. The damage would be slightly amplified.
PvP: Rank Tai DMG + 1
Special Note: Prerequisite to learn any other Taijutsu.

Name: Chakra Jab
Type: Bokijutsu
Rank: E
CP: 1
RP: Coating their weapon in a small amount of chakra, the user would launch / shoot at their target and attempt to damage them slightly.
PvP: Rank Boki DMG + 1
Special Note: Prerequisite to learn any other Bokijutsu

Name: Leaf Wall
Type: Taketon Defense
Rank: E
CP Cost: 2
RP Description: To a mere turn of one's foot, bamboo sprouts from the ground to block for the defender.
PvP Effect: WIS vs ATK to Block

Name: Nature's Blessing
Type: Taketon Passive
Rank: ~
CP Cost: None. 2 round cooldown if interrupted.
RP Description: Focusing inwards, the Taketon user forms a ring of bamboo shoots within which natural chakra flows.
PvP Effect: User regenerates 1 CP and 1 HP per round. Whilst using this jutsu, user can not ATK or DEF. If hit, they are broken from this jutsu. This jutsu lasts as long as the user wishes for it to last. Allies / Enemies within the melee range will also heal the amount healed.
NOTE: Can be used while being hidden.

Name: Bamboo Manipulation
Type: Taketon Ninjutsu
Rank: E
CP: ~
RP: User creates a small strand, or manipulates existing or bamboo created by other Taketon techniques, to change its shape in minor ways. So for example for it to take form of a key in keyhole.
PVP: None
Special note: Might be used to gain bonuses to different skills or tests as deemed by dm in the event.

Name: Pebble Shot
Type: Doton Ninjutsu
Rank: E
CP Cost: 2
RP Description: The user would infuse their chakra into their foot and kick a rock towards their target. The rock would be be sent flying at their target and do minimal damage.
PvP Effect: 1d4 DMG

Name: Rock Fist
Type: Doton Taijutsu
Rank: E
CP Cost: 2 CP
RP Description: The user would coat their fist in a thin layer of chakra and place it to the ground. Their fist would become covered in rock as they launch towards their target and attempt to punch them.
PvP Effect: Rank Tai + 2 DMG

Name: Earth Manipulation
Type: Doton Ninjutsu
Rank: E
CP: ~
RP: User controls small amount of stone that is either naturally present or created by doton techniques. It could for example cover up tracks, make small dugout, or block up a narrow passage
PVP: None
Special note: Might be used to gain bonuses to different skills or tests as deemed by dm in the event.

Name: Spittle
Type: Suiton Ninjutsu
Rank: E
CP Cost: 2
RP Description: With a quick gather of chakra, the user is able to spit a stream of water at their target. Imbued with chakra, the damage is minimal but noticeable.
PvP Effect: 1d4 DMG to Target

Name: Heavy Feet
Type: Suiton Ninjutsu
Rank: E
CP Cost: 2
RP Description: The user would use the water in the ground and attempt to surround their targets feet. If successful, the water would become heavier and slow the target down.
PvP Effect: -1 DEX Dodge Attempts for 1d4 rounds

Name: Water Manipulation
Type: Suiton Ninjutsu
Rank: E
CP: ~
RP: User controls small amounts of water that is either naturally present or created by suiton. It can dry clothes, remove a suspicious leftover puddle or dampen a cloth for example.
PVP: None
Special note: Might be used to gain bonuses to different skills or tests as deemed by dm in the event.

Name: Body Sealing
Type: Fuinjutsu
Rank: E
CP Cost: -
RP Description: Body sealing is the art of storing your knickknacks in your body, taking the shape of tattoos on it, you can store such things as katana, kunai, seperate outfits and more. The pictures can be abstracted, done as kanji or just, literally looking like the item in question.
PvP Effect: Can store things in your body. Things like tags and so on in your body are rendered inert, IE: poison doesn't poison you.

Name: Scroll Storage Seal
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Rank: E
CP: 1
RP: Stores common items into prepared scrolls by using the fuuinjutsu sealing technique.
PVP: None

.: D - RANK :.

Name: Reversal
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: D
CP: 3
RP: The user is able to follow the movements of their enemy. IF they launch a taijutsu attack onto them, the user is able to quickly turn the attack around on them and inflict minor damage.
PvP: DEX Def VS Taijutsu, If successful, Attacker takes Rank Tai DMG + 1 DMG
Special Note) Can be used on Basic Attacks and up to A Rank Taijutsu, DMG Bonuses do not apply.

Name: Takenoko (Shooting Bamboo)
Type: Taketon Ninjutsu
Rank: D
CP Cost: 4
RP Description) Forming basic seals of the Taketon release, user makes couple of bamboo shoots appear in the ground beneath the oponent and sprout rapidly upwards to spear them.
PvP Effect: 2d4 damage pierces 1 DR

Name: Waridake (Split bamboo)
Type: Taketon Ninjutsu
Rank: D
CP Cost: 4
RP Description: Forming basic seals of the Taketon release, user makes single bamboo shoot appear in the ground beneath the opponent and sprout rapidly upwards, but instead of spearing opponent, it splits into multitude of strands, seeking to inflict multitude of bleeding cuts.
PvP Effect: 2 DMG for 1d4 Rounds. 1 DR Pierce

Name: Bamboo Tool
Type: Taketon
Rank: D
CP: 4 or X
RP: User forms rather complex series of seals, forcing varying types of bamboo shoots out of the ground to be used as tools.
PVP: Creates a weapon of Bamboo, Either a Staff, Spear or Shinai. Medium Weapon DMG + 1d4. (Weapons still follow negatives.)
PVP: User creates X Senbons, replenishing their toolbag (Never over their maximum.). CP Spent equals 1 CP per 1 Senbon Created. (May only create a maximum of 6 per fight.)

Name: Durability
Type: Doton Ninjutsu
Rank: D
CP Cost: 1 - 5
RP Description: The user would force their chakra into the ground and slowly cover their body in a thin layer of rock. This would allow for a small portion of the impact they take to be removed.
PvP Effect: User gains 1 Destructible DR per CP Spent. Can be used as DEF.
Special Note: Destructible DR means once it is gone, it is gone. This DR can not be pierced or ignored.

Name: Rock Pummel
Type: Doton Ninjutsu
Rank: D
CP Cost: 4
RP Description: The user would force a rock from the ground to shoot at their target and slam into them. The force would be quite strong.
PvP Effect: 1d8 DMG

Name: Haze
Type: Suiton
Rank: D
CP: 4
RP: User exhausts large amount of water mist, causing a shimmering haze around oneself, allowing for easier concealment.
PVP: User gains +5 to their Concealment roll, and allows them to hide an additional 1x time in battle, over the maximum allowed.

Name: Seal of Disarmament
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Rank: D
CP: 4
RP: User opens up a prepared scroll in order to catch opponent's weapon or tool being used against him, and seal it away. Weapon or tool can be obtained from the scroll by using appropriate chakra tap.
PVP: STR/DEX DEF vs Bukijutsu / Weapon attacks. If successful, the weapon or jutsu used to create the weapon is sealed away.
Special note: Token items costing more than 10 tokens cannot be removed in this way
Special note: The scroll is dropped on the ground, and the target who's weapon was sealed may make an ATK action vs the User or any allies DEF to retrieve it.

Name: Seal of Destruction
Type: Fuinjutsu
Rank: D
CP: 3
RP: A seal of chakra forged on the back of the users hand invisibly maintained beneath the skin, when ignited it glows through the skin and infuses another jutsu. Perfecting and using this technique involves both practice in releasing it and the forging of the seal itself. The infusion of chakra, enhanced the destructive potential of other techniques.
PvP: Free Action - User Only - Adds +1d4 DMG to another Jutsu
PvP: On Ally - Adds +1d6 DMG to Next Jutsu

Name: Magic Missile
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Rank: D
CP: 3 + 2 per extra bullet
RP: Drawing up a page with a fuuinjutsu diagram on it (be it from book, tag, or scroll), the user presses their chakra inwards building up more and more, as it runs through the pattern finally releasing as a finished, complicated spell blue-white-pink bolts flying out twisting with their odd colour pattern to strike at a foe over and over.
PvP: Each bullet does 1d6 DMG. May use multiple bullets depending on rank, and the bullets may target different people. ATK Rolls are made per target, not bullet.
Special Note: Only 3 bullets may target a single person.
Special Note: 10+ Max 3 Bullets, 20+ Max 4 Bullets, 30+ Max 5 Bullets

.: C - RANK :.

Name: Gyakusatsu no kohitsuji (Lambs to the Slaughter)
Type: Taketon Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Cost: 5 + 1 Per Round
RP: After a series of hand seals the user creates a grid box of bamboo to imprison an opponent.
PVP: Target cannot Dodge, ATK or be ATK'd by anyone but the user. Target may still block freely, or use buffing jutsu. This lasts for 2d4 Rounds. STR/CON to break. The cage has 10 HP.

Name: Takejin Clone
Type: Taketon Ninjutsu
Rank: C
CP: 5 + 2 Per Round Maintained (Per Clone)
RP: Clone!
PvP: Create Clone: 2d4 Rounds. HP = Users CON Mod + 10. DMG = Users Rank Tai. Uses users Wis to ATK/DEF. Clones gain +1 to their ATK/DEF Rolls.
Special Note: More clones may be made, depending on Level 10+ 1 Max, 20+ 2 Max, 30+ 3 Max.

Name: Seal of Negation
Type: Fuujinjutsu
Rank: C
Cost: 5
RP: User fuses a chakra seal into a long strip of paper, and then forces the same onto the target, forcibly trapping them inside. This only works on puppet and summon type creatures.
PvP: DEX vs Summons DEF - If successful, Summon is resealed back to the original user. Original user restores 1/2 the CP spend on summoning. (Can not be used on passive pets like Inuzuka Dogs, Keikai Felines etc.)

Name: Concentration: Ninjutsu
Type: Enhancement
Rank: C
CP: 5
RP: The user would focus their chakra around their body, focusing specifically on the parts of their network that they needed to perform their ninjutsu. This would boost their power level briefly, allowing them to be a little more efficient.
PvP: +1 WIS Rolls for 1d4+1 Rounds

.: B - RANK :.

Name: Earth Dragon
Type: Doton Ninjutsu
Rank: B
CP: 9
RP: Every element is known to have it's own dragon. The earth dragon is known to pummel it's target and slam into them harder than the others.
PvP Effect: +1 VS Block - 2d8 + 1d6

Name: Elemental Seal
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Rank: B
CP: 10
RP: Dashing at the target, the user would slam their palm into their target. Forcing a seal onto their body that would seal any use of the five main elemental jutsu. This is used to train fuuinjutsu users to break seals, but has been implemented for battle use.
PvP: DEX ATK - 1d6+1 Rounds Target may not use elemental jutsu. CON/CHA to break.
Special Note: Can be unsealed via Element Unseal by a Fuuinjutsu user.

Name: Clone Refusal Prayer
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Rank: B
CP: 6 + 1 per clone effected.
RP: User spends a round creating a large fuuinjutsu circle on the ground, causing all clones in the area to suddenly be pulled up into the center of the circle and forced to dissipate.
PVP: All clones (Allies included) are forced to dissipate, without Chakra return to creator.
Special: Can spend extra round drawing to target only enemy clones.
Special: Can be prepared in advance or from hiding. If used from hiding, user may activate it at any time and only dissipate clones created at the instance they activate it.

.: A - RANK :.

Name) Bamboo Thicket
Type) Taketon Ninjutsu
Rank) A
CP Cost) 15
RP Description) Taking one's time and forming long set of seals, the user produces an veritable forest of bamboo covering the battle area, causing ease of concealment and sudden attacks, as well as ways to get away for those who can navigate it. Lesser taketon disciplines are easier to perform while thicket stays up.
PVP Effect) 2d4+2 Rounds - User gains +1 to ATK/DEF Rolls, -2 to Taketon Jutsu Costs and may DEF Freely for themselves and allies as a free action. User also gains +10 to Concealment rolls.

Last edited by Bjornoid on Tue Jun 27, 2017 6:54 pm; edited 45 times in total
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[Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi   [Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Icon_minitimeThu May 11, 2017 8:20 pm


Skill Name
Village Lore
World Lore
First Aid
Chakra Control


HP: 63
CP: 55

[Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Tiger%20in%20bamboo

.:Toragan's Statistics:.
Tenacious if slightly deliberate and always sarcastically grumpy Nintora. It is rumored that he was tamed by Katashi all on his own without a single blow. Old cat tends to criticize everyone and everything, but is steadfast in its duties.

HP: 45
Damage: 1d8+1d4
ATT/DEF: As user +2

Last edited by Bjornoid on Sat Jun 17, 2017 3:24 am; edited 24 times in total
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[Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi   [Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Icon_minitimeSat May 13, 2017 7:16 am

Standard payout +2 Reward, DM Hinata - 20th May 2017
Ranked to Genin, +2, lvl 14 reward, DM Pakkun - 20th May 2017
B rank mission, +1 reward, DM Pakkun - 20th May 2017
E rank mission, +1 lvl, 2 tokens SHADOWTIM3 - 23rd May 2017
E rank mission, 4 tokens Killer Bee - 27th May 2017
Messing around suna, 4 tokens Killer Bee - 28th May 2017
Chuunin exam reward, +4 wis 15 tokens, promoted Advanced Genin, 2 levels, Hunter Nin Trainee - 4th June 2017
A rank mission?, +2 lvl, 8 tokens Hinata - 09th June 2017
Weekly reward x2, +2 lvl, Hinata - 09th June 2017
DM Reward - +1 WIS, 5 tokens, Hinata - 11th June 2017
Report reward - +1 LVL, 5 tokens, Hinata - 11th June 2017
Submitting to the will of DM overlords - +2 tokens, Utakata - 11th June 2017
Weekly reward +1 CHA, Hinata - 16th June 2017
B rank mission, +1 lvl, +2 INT, 4 tokens, promoted to Chuunin, Hinata - 16th June 2017
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PostSubject: Re: [Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi   [Konohagakure] Takeyama, Katashi Icon_minitime

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