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 [Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya

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[Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya Empty
PostSubject: [Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya   [Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya Icon_minitimeMon May 22, 2017 10:23 pm

[Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya 526px-Full_Attack_Rebecca [Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya 526px-Full_Special_Rebecca

Real NameMiya, Yumiko
Alias / NicknamesYumi, Hunter
Birthday19th September
Eye ColorPale Green
Hair ColorDark Green
Height and Weight173cm and 55kg
Blood TypeB+
LikesRunning through the woods, Target Practice, Hunting, Whistling
DislikesRude people, Broody types, Failing at a Challenge, Giving up
FamilyMiya Family, her parents and 3 older brothers + extended family
Sexual Orientation  Mostly Heterosexual
Marital StatusSingle

Friends and Foes
Rated on a -10 to +10 Scale
-10 Being Hate, +10 Being Love

Frends 10-6 Katashi Takeyama 8
Aquaintance 5-1
Neutral 0
Unfriendly -1--5
Enemies -6--10

Last edited by acid on Mon May 22, 2017 11:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
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[Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya Empty
PostSubject: Bingo Book Information   [Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya Icon_minitimeMon May 22, 2017 11:25 pm

Bingo Book Information

[Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya 5vu0is

Attack StyleBokijutsu, Ninjutsu

  • Explosive Tags x2
  • Smoke Bomb x3
  • Ammo Scroll x3
  • Kunai x2
  • Flash Bomb x3
  • Extra bow-string
  • Small Carving Knife

Goals- Master the Bow
- Successfuly hunt a Beast of Legends
Nindo"Aim for the moon, worst that can happen is that you miss."


Last edited by acid on Wed May 24, 2017 11:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya   [Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya Icon_minitimeMon May 22, 2017 11:43 pm

(12 AP)

[Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya 2m2g86f
Within grass country lives a clan that is known for the selling of many fine meats. This clan has been around for centuries, and specialize in Bokijutsu. They are able to track their target beast and take it down within a few minutes. Supplying meat for the surrounding smaller clans in exchange for different goods, they have been self sufficient for many years. When the war struck (Name) went into hiding and have only just come back into the world of ninja as we know it. Upon hearing about the forming of the great villages, Miya decided to lend their skills to the village of Konoha. They began sending their young to train at Konoha academy and some of their older members were given headbands and sent straight into the ninja life..

[Art of the Bow]
(5 AP)
Miya specialize in a single type of Bokijutsu that they call Kyujutsu, which literally means bow and arrow techniques. Each shot that they make from their bow is much more deadly then a swing of a blade or a throwing tool. Their precision with their bow rivals that of most bokijutsu users, and they have even developed a way to use the world known bokijutsu with their bows. Their ability when it comes to controlling their arrows, by using the wind around them, allows for their shots to be so precise, that it can cause lasting damage to their targets, if they survive.
Special Passive - Custom Clan Ability - Kyujutsu (Bow and Arrow - Bukijutsu Custom) - 2x Free E/D/C/B Rank Jutsu, 1x A/S.
Passive) User starts with Fuuton.
Roleplay Passive) Miya store their ammo within a scroll, that can be activated at any time to recieve arrows.
Academy) +0 Bow Rolls, +1 HP Damage Bow Jutsu/Hit, +0 Critical Bow Jutsu/Hit
Genin) +1 Bow Rolls, +1d4 HP Damage Bow Jutsu/Hit, +1 Critical Bow Jutsu/Hit
Chuunin) +2 Bow Rolls, +1d6 HP Damage Bow Jutsu/Hit, +2 Critical Bow Jutsu/Hit
Jounin) +3 Bow Rolls, +1d8 HP Damage Bow Jutsu/Hit, +3 Critical Bow Jutsu/Hit

[Adaptive Bokijutsu]
(7 AP)
Miya are known for using Bokijutsu, but not many people actually know what their true gift is. Much like bats, they are able to use echolocation to dictate distance between themselves and everything in their surrounding area. With a simple click of the tongue or a stamp of the foot, they are able to determine the distance by calculating the time it takes for their sound waves to hit a certain object and return to them. This makes their training with bokijutsu much stronger, as they are able to work out distances required for shooting arrows with ease.
Passive) Bokijutsu Ranged as Default
Academy) +0 Bokijutsu Rolls, +8 Perception Rolls
Genin) +1 Bokijutsu Rolls, +12 Perception Rolls
Chuunin) +2 Bokijutsu Rolls, +16 Perception Rolls
Jounin) +3 Bokijutsu Rolls, +20 Perception Rolls
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[Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya Empty
PostSubject: Jutsu   [Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya Icon_minitimeWed May 24, 2017 11:47 pm


(E Rank)

Name) Fuuton: Gust
Type) Ninjutsu
Rank) E
CP Cost) 2
RP Description) With a short seal chain, the user would send out a gust of wind directly at their opponent to do minimal damage.
PvP Effect) 1d4 DMG

Name) Fuuton: Breezed Block
Type) Ninjutsu
Rank) E
CP Cost) 2
RP Description) Utilizing their chakra, the user would push it outwards. This would allow the wind around them to push the melee attacker to the side and cause them to miss.
PvP Effect) WIS Block VS Melee.
Special Note) Can not be used to block B rank and above jutsu.

NameSubstitution Technique
TypeAcademy Jutsu
CP Cost 2
RP DescriptionThe user replaces their body with a nearby object or something that their village is set to. Konoha shinobi usually replace themselves with logs, where Suna is a rock or sand cloud. It is commonly used to escape sticky situations, where the user is unable to block or react.
PvP EffectDodge) WIS vs ATK

Name) Cloak of Invisibility
Type) Academy Jutsu
Rank) E
CP Cost) 2
RP Description) The user would quickly surround themselves with a cloak or thin piece of cloth. Using their chakra, they would blend the cloak or cloth into their environment and hide from pursuers or attackers.
PvP Effect) +5 Concealment Roll
Special Note) Not useable in Combat

Name) Clone Technique
Type) Academy Jutsu
Rank) E
CP Cost) 2 + 1 per round maintined (Per Clone)
RP Description) The basic clone jutsu is used and taught in the academy. The user would create a simple clone of themselves, and show that they have the understanding of chakra control and manipulation.
PvP Effect) Create Clone) 1d4 Rounds. HP = 1/2 Users CON Mod. DMG = 1d4 DMG. Uses users STR/DEX to ATK/DEF.
Special Note) More clones may be made, depending on Rank. A/S 1 Max, Genin 2 Max, Chuunin 3 Max, Jounin 3 Max.
Special Note) Does not gain ANY Bonuses from the user.

Name) Rope Escape
Type) Academy Jutsu
Rank) E
CP Cost) 2
RP Description) A technique taught to all academy students so that they may escape situations where they are bound. It is taught in many ways but the simplest way is using their chakra to vibrate and loosen the restraints allowing them to escape.
PvP Effect) +1 DEX/STR Roll when Escaping Physical stuns caused by Ninja Wire / Rope etc

Name) Henge
Type) Academy Jutsu
Rank) E
CP Cost) 2 CP per 1 round Maintained
RP Description) Using their chakra, the user would take on the form of a target or someone that they are thinking of. This is considered the hardest academy technique as it requires constant emission of chakra while mentally maintaining the form.
PvP Effect) +5 Deception Roll
Special Note) Can not be used in Combat. User can not Attack while using henge without breaking their henge.

Name) Wall Walking
Type) Academy Jutsu
Rank) E
CP Cost) 1 CP Per round maintained
RP Description) The user would coat their feet / shoes in a thin layer of chakra that allows them to scale surfaces. This jutsu is required by all shinobi as it is considered an essential tool for combat.
PvP Effect) Allows user to walk on Walls / Vertical surfaces
Special Note) If agreed at the start of combat or by DM, CP Cost is not needed to be paid.

Name) Water Walking
Type) Academy Jutsu
Rank) E
CP Cost) 1 CP Per round maintained
RP Description) Similar to Wall Walking, the user would coat their feet / shoes with thin chakra. Instead of sticking, they become buoyant and are able to stand on water surfaces or surfaces they would normally sink into. Considered an essential tool for combat.
PvP Effect) Allows user to walk on Water / Sinking Surfaces.
Special Note) Must know Wall Walking before learning.
Special Note) If agreed at the start of combat or by DM, CP Cost is not needed to be paid.[/tr]

(E- +Perception/Areas)
NAME: Ears of the Bat
RP DESCRIPTION: By closing their eyes and focusing chakra into their ears, user can boost effective range of their sonar ability.
PVP Effect: +1 area perception range

(E- Reroll Bowshot)
NAME: Second Shot
RP DESCRIPTION: A true hunter never misses a shot, or atleast that’s what they’ll tell you. The trick is in simply finding another target should it miss the original mark. By using Fuuton, the user will navigate the flying arrow to the secondary target.
COST: 2 + X
PVP Effect: Free Action. Next Attack: If user misses an enemy with Bukijutsu using her bow, she can reroll the attack on a different target at -2 to the ATK Roll.
Special Note: User pays 1/2 the cost of the Jutsu this technique is being used on again, if the second ATK roll is made. Can only be used on Bukijutsu of B Rank and below.

(D- DR Pierce)
NAME:  Pierce the Heart
RP DESCRIPTION: The user by using Fuuton spins the arrow while in flight, causing it to pierce through any material to find its mark.
PVP Effect: 1d4 rounds of 2 DR Pierce on Bukijutsu.

NAME: On Point
RP DESCRIPTION: Once the users arrow finds it mark, another usually is not far behind. Shooting off a second arrow if the first one is successful.
PVP Effect: Rank Bukijutsu DMG. If Sucessful hit, User is able to pick another target on their next turn to hit. ATK DC is same as Original ATK and DMG is Rank Bukijutsu DMG.
Special Note: On second turn, does not count as Offensive action or Free Action.

(C-Defensive action setup shot)
NAME: Too close for Comfort
RP DESCRIPTION: The user if found in close combat, will jump backwards with a defensive futon push towards the opponent to create additional safe space between them and set up the next shot.
PVP Effect: Rank Bukijutsu DMG + 1d8 damage, target is pushed back away.User gains +1 ATK roll against target, next turn.

(C-DoT arrow)
NAME:  Splinter Arrow
RP DESCRIPTION: Once the arrow has found its mark, by using Futon the user will make the arrow inside the target burst – causing the splinters to wound the target continuously.
PVP Effect: Rank Bukijutsu damageand 1 DMG for 1d6+1 Rounds.

(B- AoE Arrow Rain)
NAME:  Rain of Arrows
RP DESCRIPTION: User opens up one full ammo scroll and calls forth all of its contents, to be fired in rapid sucession at the battlefield at large. Chakra being used to tie the arrows into bundles for ease of fire and target saturation.
PVP Effect: Rank Bukijutsu DMG + 1d6+1d4 DMG to all targets in front.

(B- AoE Arrow Stun)
NAME: Sonic Boom
RP DESCRIPTION: An arrow is sent at incredible speed towards group of opponents, sped up by the fuuton's power, it reaches well above mach 1 in speed, causing sonic boom that works to rupture the eardrums and stun the victims in its trajectory.
PVP Effect: Rank Bukijutsu DMG + 1d4, 1 round stun all targets in front. STR/CON/WIS to break

(A- Thread Arrow)
NAME: Thread Carefully
RP DESCRIPTION: Arrow is fired at an curve and uses combination of skipshots and fuuton to circle around group of oponents, threading ninja wire around them, allowing user to pull the targets closer together
COST: 15
PVP Effect: Rank Bukijutsu + 3d4 DMG. Targets are Grouped together for 1d4 Rounds. STR/CON to Break. When any of the grouped targets are attacked, All grouped must roll DEF vs incoming ATK. On success, they take no DMG, on fail, they take 1/4 of the DMG the main target would take. AoE jutsu / attacks apply normally and are not effected by these rolls.

(S- +crit)
NAME:  Favor of Hoori
RP DESCRIPTION: A skilled huter requires only one shot. Years of practice allow the hunter to, if he monitors his target for a short bit, to know exactly where to aim for – what will cause the most explosive damage.
COST: 20, +2 per round
PVP Effect:  -2 Crit Range (18-20) and +2d6 damage to all Bukijutsu for 2d6 rounds.
Special Note: Can be ended early.

Last edited by acid on Wed May 31, 2017 10:07 am; edited 2 times in total
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[Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya   [Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya Icon_minitimeWed May 24, 2017 11:48 pm


Skill Name
Village Lore
World Lore
First Aid
Chakra Control

LVL (x3 per level)
1: Weaponry,  Perception, Concealment
2: Weaponry, Perception, Concealment
3: Weaponry, Perception, Concealment
4: Weaponry, Perception, Concealment
5: Weaponry, Perception, Concealment
6: Weaponry, Perception, Concealment
7: Weaponry, Perception, Concealment
8: Weaponry, Perception, Concealment
9: Weaponry, Perception, Concealment
10: Weaponry, Perception, Concealment
11: Weaponry, Perception, Concealment
12: Weaponry, Perception, Concealment

Genin +10 skill points
- Weaponory x5
- Perception x5

Last edited by acid on Mon May 29, 2017 3:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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[Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya   [Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya Icon_minitimeWed May 24, 2017 11:54 pm


Ability Scores Gained:

  • +1 DEX (23.5.2017, E-mission reward, DM: Shadowtim3)

Levels Gained:

  • /

RP Tokens Gained:

  • +2 tokens (23.5.2017, E-mission reward, DM: Shadowtim3)

RP Tokens Used:

  • /
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PostSubject: Re: [Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya   [Konohagakure] Yumiko, Miya Icon_minitime

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